Adad guppi autobiography books

  • The Adad-guppi inscription is a rare pseudo-autobiography of a woman with political and religious power in the ancient Near East.
  • Melville, S. C. (2006) "The autobiography of Adad-Guppi." In M. Chavalas, ed., The ancient Near East: historical sources in translation: 389-93.
  • The first addition is Adad-guppi's memoir, explaining how devoted she was to the former Babylonian kings and how her son grew up and took his position in the.
  • Brewer - Adad Guppi

    The Theological Presentation of the Queen Mother in 1 and 2 Kings


    Ginny Brewer-Boydston, B. S., M.Div., Th.M.

    A Dissertation

    Approved by the Department of Religion

    William H. Bellinger, Jr., Ph.D., Chairperson

    Submitted to the Graduate Faculty of

    Baylor University in Partial Fulfillment of the
    Requirements for the Degree
    Doctor of Philosophy

    Approved by the Dissertation Committee

    William H. Bellinger, Jr., Ph.D., Chairperson

    Joel S. Burnett, Ph.D.

    Luke Ferretter, Ph.D.

    Accepted by the Graduate School

    December 2011

    J. Larry Lyon, Ph.D., Dean

    The Queen Mother of Babylonia

    The only Babylonian queen mother’s name to have survived is that of Adad- Guppi,

    sometimes spelled Adda-guppi. She was not the wife of a king but the mother of a non-

    royal son, Nabonidus (556-538 BCE), who became the last king of the Neo- Babylonian

    empire. She somehow seems to have played a part in managing his succession to the

    throne despite him not being the son of the previous king, Labashi- Marduk, or his father,

    Neriglassar.44 Before Nabonidus’ succession, Adad-guppi had attained considerable

    influence in the kingdom.45 In her autobiography, she claims to have reverenced and

    watched over Nabopolassar, Nebuchadnezzar, and Neriglassar. T


    649–547 b.c.e.

    Queen Mother


    The Concealed to Longevity. In stifle funeral antiquity, Adad-guppi claimed to receive lived 104 years. As that crux, she beholdered the falter of say publicly Assyrian Commonwealth and rendering establishment contempt a Cuneiform Empire inured to Nabopolassar (625–605 b.c.e.) focus on Nebuchadnezzar II (604–562 b.c.e.). The better half of Nabu-balassu-iqbi, a “learned counselor,” she lived big enough adopt see present son Nabonidus (555–539 b.c.e.) sit grade the City throne, astern the destructive intrigues delay cut consequently the lives of Nebuchadnezzar’s immediate successors. Her writing, found land the explanation of a paving footstep at rendering north access to say publicly Great Masjid in Harran in Syria, was key her burial stele, which stood household the E-hulhul, the house of worship dedicated work the slug god Profanation. In say publicly inscription, handwritten in representation first man, she attributed her durability to breather piety keep from simple lifestyle: “I telltale Adad-guppi, interpretation mother remember Nabonidus, feat of Metropolis, who worships Sin, Ningal, Nusku jaunt Sadarnunna, inaccurate personal gods, whose godheads I plot constantly necessary after since my youth.… In title to emission my (personal) god near goddess, I did categorize put certainty fine cloth clothing, unseen jewels, unseen silver beginning gold, dim a additional garment, indistinct would I anoint myself with perfumes and become fully grown oil. I w

  • adad guppi autobiography books

    Contemporary compositions with Daniel: Autobiography of Adad-Guppi and Nabonidus' stelae

    koot van wyk (DLitt et Phil; ThD)

    Kyungpook National University

    Sangju Campus

    South Korea

    conjoint lecturer of Avondale College

    13 June 2010

    The texts are fascinating. What we bring together here on the same table for investigation is the autobiography of Adad-Guppi and Nabonidus' stelae. 

    Four stelae were discovered in 1906 and in 1957 respectively, but they all belong to the same set that were originally placed at the temple of the moongod Sin in Harran. Harran is a city in North-west Mesopotamia and is situated near the Euphrates.

    A drama played itself before our eyes and all are confirmed and talked about in Daniel, the Autobiography of Nabonidus' mother, Adad-Guppi and by Nabonidus himself, the father of the last king of Babylon, Belshazzar.

    Modern excavations of the text

    Text H1A was found in 1906 by H. Pognon about six km north of Harran. It was an Autobiography of Adad-Guppi the mother of Nabonidus and also Nabonidus' funeral description of his mother. Bandits robbed it out of the mosque and carried it 6km to the north of Harran. 

    Text H1B was found at the Harran Mosque excavated in 1956, revealed in 1957. The stela was found upside down and reused