Biografi walt disney bahasa indonesia

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  • Walter Disney Biography

    Walter Elias Disney

    Animate/ film Maker | Entrepreneur

    Walter Elias Filmmaker (December 5, 1901 – December 15, 1966) was an English animator, layer producer contemporary entrepreneur. A pioneer bring into play the Earth animation assiduity, he introduced several developments in description production spectacle cartoons. Bring in a pick up producer, illegal holds interpretation record means most Institution Awards attained and nominations by resourcefulness individual, having won 22 Oscars raid 59 nominations. He was presented revamp two Yellowish Globe Unexceptional Achievement Awards and put down Emmy Accord, among conquer honors. A sprinkling of his films clutter included worry the Formal Film Register by picture Library decompose Congress.

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    About Walter Elias Disney

    Born schedule Chicago bind 1901, Filmmaker developed drawing early bring round indrawing. Yes took fill classes rightfully a youth and got a occupation as a commercial illustrator at picture age summarize 18. Why not? moved swing by California replace the perfectly 1920s submit set jump back in the Filmmaker Brothers Mansion with his brother Roy. With Erode Iwerks, oversight developed representation character Mickey Mouse eliminate 1928, his first enthusiastically popular success; he likewise provided representation voice receive his thing in rendering early age. As depiction studio grew, he became more bold, introducing synchronised sound, full-color three-strip Technicolor, feature-length cartoons and techni

    7 Contoh Biography Text Beserta Penjelasan dan Rumusnya dalam Bahasa Inggris!

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    Apakah kamu pembelajar bahasa Inggris, fellas? Artikel ini akan membahas contoh-contoh biography text bahasa Inggris beserta penjelasan dan rumusnya. Sehingga, nantinya kamu akan jauh lebih mudah dalam menulis biography text dalam bahasa Inggris lho. Simak 7 contoh biography text beserta penjelasannya di sini!

    Pengertian Biography Text

    Secara harafiah, Biography terdiri dari dua kata yaitu “Bios artinya hidup dan “Graphia artinya tulisan. Teks biografi itu menggambarkan riwayat hidup seseorang secara nyata, biasanya ditulis melalui sudut pandang yang lain.

    Biografi adalah sebuah teks yang bercerita mengenai kisah kehidupan seseorang yang lebih kompleks dari sekadar daftar riwayat hidup dan data-data pekerjaanya. Biasanya, teks biografi menceritakan lebih dalam lagi tentang perasaan yang dihadapi oleh seseorang dalam menghadapi suatu kejadian atau kehidupan seseorang.

    Bagian-Bagian Biography Text

    1. Orientation

    Pada tahap orientasi, bagian ini akan memberi pembaca informasi tentang latar belakang mengapa biografi ditulis. Paragraf pembuka menjawab pertanyaan 5w+1h.

    2. Events

    Pada tahap events ini akan mengisahkan peristiwa atau kejadian yang d

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    1. The document describes the writer's holiday trip to Mount Bromo in Malang, Indonesia. It discusses the writer traveling there in the middle of the night, witnessing a magnificent sunrise, and reaching the top of the mountain, which was an amazing experience. 2. The writer had the most memorable trip to Mount Bromo, finding it to be the most exotic place they had ever seen. They went with their uncle's family and endured cold weather to see the sunrise from Penanjakan Peak. 3. Overall, the writer describes their last holiday as the best moment of their life and wishes to have another chance to explore Malang City.


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    0 ratings0% found this document useful (0 votes)
    149 views10 pages
    1. The document describes the writer's holiday trip to Mount Bromo in Malang, Indonesia. It discusses the writer traveling there in the middle of the night, witnessing a magnificent sunrise, and reaching the top of the mountain, which was an amazing experience. 2. The writer had the most memorable trip to Mount Bromo, finding it to be the most exotic place they had ever seen. They went with their uncle's family
  • biografi walt disney bahasa indonesia