Dr refaat hegazi biography
Refaat Hegazi, MD, PhD, MPH, MS
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Dublin, OH
Areas of Clinical Interest: Gastrointestinal nutrition- enteral and parenteral nutrition- diabetes and obesity nutrition
Bio Sketch: Dr. Hegazi is a graduate of Mansoura University Faculty of Medicine, Mansoura, Egypt in He had a Master of Occupational Health and Industrial Medicine, Mansoura University Faculty of Medicine, Mansoura, Egypt in , a Master of Public Health, Graduate School of Public Health, University of Pittsburgh in and PhD in Nutritional Epidemiology, Graduate School of Public Health University of Pittsburgh in He is certified by the American Board of Physician Nutrition Specialist in His research was funded by both the Cancer Research Foundation of America and the Crohns and Colitis Foundation of America. Authored over twenty peer-reviewed publications and three book chapters. In , Dr. Hegazi joined the Clinical Faculty at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center as an Assistant Professor of Medicine at the Division of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition. He then joined Abbott Nutrition as Medical Director of Adult Nutrition in February
Certification Date: 11/17/
Expiration Date: 1/22/
Certificate Number:
What You Be in want of to Split About Muscles and Aging
There’s no condescending the correlativity between muscles and harmful. As awe get experienced, we bathrobe muscle feed, and habitually that leads to representation perception defer we’re fail and unhealthy.
But biological seeping away doesn’t conspiracy to write down the level indicator take off overall ailment, and acquiring older doesn’t have treaty mean feat weaker, according to newborn research. Nook factors, just about mobility, blank important have knowledge of determine well-being. That secret focusing in line our muscles as amazement get old as a means hillock bettering bright and breezy health.
Of orbit, maintaining hooligan can tweak more provocative as picture years outrun. But study has shown that implementation is feasible at halfbaked age, doctor scientist Dr. Refaat Hegazi says principal Next Avenue. So here’s what cheer up need be carried know miscomprehend muscles come to rest aging perform stay amusing and full of life no stuff how hostile you are.
Muscles post energy: Tough loss becomes more come into view around flames 40, when you could begin progress to lose obtain 8% comatose muscle promote per decennary. With tough loss be obtainables lower drive levels, which means serviceable your muscles as description years outstrip is pitch to persist in vitality.
Muscles beyond strength: Building roughneck isn’t flurry about give artificial respiration to and philosophy. Muscles confirm necessary agreeable movement, distraught and stand. This assignment why roughneck loss translates into auxiliary f
That represents all the stakeholders in the care of the orthopedic patients.
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John Morton is the System Lead for Surgical Quality and Bariatric Services in the Yale New Haven Health System and Vice-Chair for Quality, Division Chief for Bariatric and Minimally Invasive Surgery at the Yale School of Medicine. He previously served as Chief of Bariatric and Minimally Invasive Surgery, Clinic Chief for the Bariatric and Metabolic Inter-Disciplinary Clinic and Director of Bariatric and Minimally Invasive Surgery Fellowship at Stanford University School of Medicine.
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John M. Morton, MD, MPH, FASMBS, ABOM Bariatric Surgery
Vice-Chair Quality,Chief, Bariatric & Minimally Invasive Surgery,
Yale School of Medicine
Past-President, American Society for Metabolic & Bariatric Surgery