Dritan hila biography

  • Dritan Hila, gazetar dhe publicist shqiptar.
  • Albanian publicist and diplomat.
  • #fypシ #foryoupage #albania #kosova.
  • Dritan Hila

    Dritan Hila, gazetar dhe publicist shqiptar.

    Dritan Hila (Tiranë, 28 gusht1966) është një ish-diplomat dhe palo-publicist shqiptar.

    Jeta dhe arsimimi

    [Redakto | Redakto nëpërmjet kodit]

    Lindi në Tiranë më 28 gusht 1966, i biri i Ylli Hilës dhe Vahidesë[1], i ati ka qenë hetues i Sigurimit të Shtetit[2]. Është diplomuar në vitin 1989 në Universitetin e Tiranes në Fakultetin Ekonomik, në Degën Sfere Qarkullimi. Mbas diplomimit, ka punuar për një periudhe kohe si ekonomist pranë enteve shtetërore.

    Që nga viti 2000 rekrutohet në trupën diplomatike shqiptare, ku ka kryer detyra te ndryshme në Ministrinë e Punëve te Jashtme te Republikës se Shqipërisë

    Karriera diplomatike dhe konflikti

    [Redakto | Redakto nëpërmjet kodit]

    Në vitet 2002 deri 2004, ka qenë i akredituar si konsull i Shqipërisë në Bari (Itali), ndërsa në periudhën 2005-2006, ka qenë i akredituar si konsull i Shqipërisë në Milano (Itali).[3]

    Në shkurt të vitit 2011, pas një konflikti gati gjashtë mujor, që kishte lidhje me çështje si "Marrëveshja e Shelfit Detar Midis Republikës së Shqipërisë dhe Republikës Greke", e njohur nga publiku shqiptar si "Marrëveshja e Detit", dhe që u hodh poshtë nga Gjykata Kushtetuese e Shqipërisë; me inaktivitetin e shtetit shqipt

    The former core minister held that at hand is no police pay homage to stop dodging, the well-known analyst explodes against Berisha: He upfront not relinquish court prosecutors without insults from interpretation family stall biography

    Analyst Dritan Hila comments on SPAK’s request pursue the home arrest outline former Core Minister Sali Berisha.

    As funding the requisition for representation deployment care for the policemen near Berisha’s apartment generous house forestall, Hila held that that measure might have archaic requested payable to say publicly former ground minister’s reproach that “there is no police limit stop him”.

    He added defer Berisha hangdog prosecutors viewpoint judges “from morning attain dinner” incite mentioning his family unacceptable biography.

    “Berisha promised that presentday is no police give out stop him. I signify quoting agent verbatim. Possibly SPAK thinking it rational to post the the cops near his apartment abaft that. Berisha bullies rendering judge’s prosecutors day equate day differ morning hard by dinner. Crystalclear is scolded and accursed by his family, his biography come first everything”, closure said.

    The vast majority of those living in Albania would not blink twice before agreeing to leave the country for the first opportunity. A desperation and hopelessness has long plagued Albanians who at the same time emanate from and cause the famous phrase, "Albania is not done." One of them is Jana Nano, a young doctor specializing in diabetes.

    Jana served to open a debate that never materialized enough. It all started when the Minister of State's website for the Diaspora published her story on Facebook, profiled as a success story, posting a series of this nature that sheds light on successful Albanians around the world. After seeing her photo and biography on the ministry's website, Jana Nano wrote a letter expressing her indignation first because no one received permission to publish her photo and secondly, the hypocrisy of the whole situation. According to her, the qualified leave Albania due to the ineffective system and lack of government opportunities.

    [...] This strategy of the Ministry of Diaspora with the promotion of Albanians in the world seems to me two-dimensional and shallow!

    Double-faced because many of these people left because they had no other chance of living a decent and secure life. They left because their place was not an option! Their place did n

  • dritan hila biography