Edwin c steinbrecher biography templates

  • It was initiated by Edwin C. Steinbrecher astrologer and a great Gay Soul.
  • In this article, I narrate my spiritual biography as an introduction to my spiritual site, www.panharmonicsanctuary.org.
  • Ed Steinbrecher

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    Swimming in Your Brain: A Practicum to the Inner Guide Meditation a Spiritual Technology for the 21St Century

    Ebook321 pages2 hours

    By Elle A. Simon


    About this ebook

    A spiritual seeker is invited to peruse the contents of Swimming in Your Brain to discover a practical method for doing the work introduced in The Inner Guide Meditation, a Spiritual Technology for the 21st Century, by Edwin C. Steinbrecher (1930-2002).

    Make the most of life-changing opportunities from the Inner Guide Meditation when it is an integral part of your daily experience. Whether you already meditate or are looking for a dynamic and sustainable meditation ritual, this book can move you to a whole other level of organizing your meditation time for greater control of your life.

    Become an Initiate, and use this book to optimize your meditation and astrological transits. Take a spiritual journey into your Inner Plane on a consistent basis, and see beneficial results on the Outer Plane.



    Release dateAug 20, 2015


    My own involvement with the Inner Guide Meditation began in 1992 when I went to see Ed Steinbrecher for what I intended to be professional information gathering and to get his take on my chart. An Astrolo

    Edwin C. Steinbrecher - Inner Guide Meditation


    A Spiritual Technology for the 21st Century

    Edwin C. Steinbrecher

    SAMUEL WEISER, INC. York Beach, Maine

    First published in 1988 by Samuel Weiser, Inc. R O. Box 612 York Beach, Maine 03910-0612 www.weiserbooks.com 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 Copyright 1988 Edwin C. Steinbrecher All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, without permission in writing from Samuel Weiser, Inc. Reviewers may quote brief passages. 1st Edition: An Excerpt from "The Guide Meditation, "April, 1975, private printing, Santa Fe, N M . 2nd Edition: The Guide Meditation: The Manual on Theory and Technique, July, 1975, private printing, Santa Fe, N M . 3rd Edition: The Guide Meditation, 1977, private printing, Santa Fe, N M . 4th Edition: The Inner Guide Meditation, 1978, Blue Feather Press, Santa Fe, NM. 5th Edition: The Inner Guide Meditation: A Transformative Journey to Enlightenment and Awareness, 1982, The Aquarian Press, London, England.

    Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 85-51591 ISBN 0-87728-657-4 BJ Cover illustration is a painting titled Aquarius Rising. Copyright 1988

  • edwin c steinbrecher biography templates