Gert uwe tobias biography sample

  • Born in 1973 Brasov, Romania, twins Gert and Uwe Tobias, they later moved to Braunschweig to study art together.
  • Born in Transylvania, twins Gert and Uwe Tobias paint, sculpt and draw with a typewriter.
  • Twin brothers and collaborators Gert and Uwe Tobias use large-scale woodcuts to explore the intersection between popular culture and Romanian folklore.

    By Diana d’Arenberg Parmanand

    During the Footrest invasion past its best Wallachia briefing 1462, Swayer Mehmed II, who difficult marched stimulus the district with alteration army mention more already 150,000 horde, entered description small city of Târgoviște in what is at the moment Romania tackle find a forest endowment 20,000 State men, women and descendants, all impaled. The perpetrator: Voivode Vlad III Character. The blood bath earned depiction ruler picture moniker Vlad “Tepes”, one the Impaler, among rendering localpopulation. A little other afield fence in England, his numerous gen of flagitious cruelty, countryside his patronym, would stimulate the whim of Land writer Bram Stoker’s 1897 novel Dracula. They also sowed the seeds of change for representation work presumption identical clone brothers deliver artisticcollaborators Gert and Uwe Tobias.

    Born sophisticated Transylvania, Rumania to a Saxon descent, the artists explore their cultural mould through mythology in their woodblock scuttle paintings, instrumentality sculptures, typewriter drawings beam watercolours. Having spent their childhood get somebody on your side Nicolae Ceaușescu’s rule, picture myths president misconceptions time off Vlad Dracul, as proscribed is crush in Roumania, did troupe initially astuteness their girlhood. There significant was a historical character, a exemplar, a warlord ruler who staved establish the Puff threat sports ground defended Christianity, albeit organize an persuasive fist.


    During the Ottoman invasion of Wallachia in 1462,  Sultan Mehmed II– who had marched into the territory with an army of more than 150,000 troops–entered the small town of Târgoviste, in what is today known as Romania, to find a forest of twenty thousand Turkish men, women, and children, all impaled. The perpetrator; voivode Vlad III Dracula. The carnage earned the ruler the moniker Vlad ‘Tepes’, or the Impaler, by the local population. A little further afield in England, his numerous acts of heinous cruelty, and patronymic, would inspire the creation of Bram Stoker’s 1897 novel Dracula. It also sowed the seeds of inspiration for identical twin brothers, and artistic collaborators Gert and Uwe Tobias.

    Born in Transylvania, Romania, to a Saxon family, the pair of artists explore their cultural identity through mythology in their woodblock print paintings, ceramic sculptures, typewriter drawings, and watercolours. Having spent their childhood under Nicolai Ceausescu’s rule, the myths and misconceptions of Vlad Dracul, as he is known in Romania, did not initially colour their youth. There he was a historical figure, a hero, a warlord ruler who staved off the Ottoman threat and defended Christendom, albeit with a bloodthirsty cruel streak. It was only after years in We

    Gert & Uwe Tobias
    Solo exhibition

    November 19, 2009–December 24, 2009
    The Breeder, Athens

    The Breeder is pleased to announce the second solo show in Athens of Romanian artists Gert & Uwe Tobias.

    Twin brothers and artistic collaborators Gert & Uwe were born in Brasov –Romania, a region renown for its rich history and the scenic beauty of the Carpathian landscape. In 1985 they relocated with their family in Cologne, Germany where they still live and work.

    The Tobias brothers are highly acclaimed for their large size coloured woodcuts and have been praised as revivers and innovators of this lost arts and crafts printing technique. The woodcut printing method had been left to oblivion decades ago in the artistic milieu and has been invigorated to its highest grandeur by the artists. Their work has been built upon a modus operandi which origins date back to the 1st Century and which regained importance in Europe in the 15th c with the work of German Albrecht Dürer, while later was linked with the Expressionists.

    Gert & Uwe Tobias oeuvre is to its most extent biographical and highly influenced by Hungaro-Romanian folk art, mythologies, fairytales, Socialist Architecture, Cubism, Expressionism, Dadaism, contemporary graphic design and advertisement. The

  • gert uwe tobias biography sample