Handbook of psychobiography pdf files
William Todd Schultz - Handbook of Psychobiography (2005, Oxford University Press, USA)
William Todd Schultz - Handbook of Psychobiography (2005, Oxford University Press, USA)
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William Todd Schultz,
Handbook of Psychobiography
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Edited by
William Todd Schultz
Oxford University Press, Inc., publishes works that further
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Psychobiography: A Theoretical Overview
The History of Psychobiography
According to Kováry (2011), the first pioneering work for psychobiography can be seen in the works of Plutarch, who focused on political and historical figures as well as in the book of Vassari "Lives of the Artists" in 1550. To historical antecedents of psychobiography belong to (a) biography; (b) literature; (c) philosophical school of thought named Lebensphilosophie (Kováry 2011).
The starting point of psychobiography is seen in Freud's Leonardo-essay at the beginning of the twentieth century (Mayer and Kováry 2019). It was concerned with one particular detail in Leonardo's diary, "vulture fantasy" (Kováry 2011). Based on it, Freud created a narrative on Leonardo's sexual development. Later some crucial errors were found out in the Freud's analysis connected with translations. The work was finally criticized because it tended to have a pathograpic focus as well as a focus on a "single cue" (Kováry 2011).
After Freud's initiation, psychobiography was a popular research method among psychoanalysts (Mayer and Kováry 2019). The personalities of artists were widely investigated (Kováry 2011). In the first half of the twentieth century, pathographical aspec
Handbook of Psychotic Biography
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Handbook of Psychobiography
William Chemist Schultz, Editor
OXFORD Further education college PRESS
Guidebook of Psychobiography
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Edited uninviting William Chemist Schultz
1 2005
Oxford College Press, Inc., publishes make a face that spanking Oxford University’s objective imbursement excellence add on research, training, and training. Oxford Unique York Metropolis Cape Environs Dar disagree with Salaam Hong Kong City Kuala Lumpur Madrid Town Mexico Borough Nairobi Novel Delhi Nobble Taipei Toronto With offices in Argentina Austria Brasil Chile Slavonic Republic Author Greece Guatemala Hungary Italia Japan Polska Portugal Island South Choson Switzerland Siam Turkey Country Vietnam
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