Jacob riis biography summary format

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  • Jacob Riis


    Who Was Jacob Riis?

    Jacob Riis immigrated to the United States in After a series of odd jobs, he became a police reporter, a job he enhanced with his natural photographic skills. Led by his interest in New York City's tenement life and the harsh conditions people living there endured, he used his camera as a tool to bring about change. With his book How the Other Half Lives, Riis put those living conditions on display in a package that wasn't to be ignored, and his career as a social reformer was launched.

    Early Years

    Jacob August Riis was born on May 3, , in Ribe, Denmark, and immigrated to the United States in on a steamship. All he carried with him was $40 and a locket containing a hair from a girl he loved. Upon his arrival in New York City, Riis struggled his way through various jobs — ironworker, farmer, bricklayer, salesman — all jobs that gave him an up-close look at the less prosperous side of the American urban environment.

    In Riis became a police reporter, and he quickly found that his deep dive into New York’s underbelly was just beginning. His beat was the Lower East Side, a neighborhood riddled with crime and poverty. With a little digging, Riis discovered the depth of the area’s despair well represented in the fact that in certain tenem

    A pioneer in the use of photography as an agent of social reform, Jacob Riis immigrated to the United States in While working as a police reporter for the New York Tribune, he did a series of exposés on slum conditions in a series of tenement photographs on the Lower East Side of Manhattan, which led him to view photography as a way of communicating the need for slum reform to the public. He made photographs of these areas and published articles and gave lectures that had significant results, including the establishment of the Tenement House Commission in In , Riis left the Tribune to work for the Evening Sun, where he began making the photographs that would be reproduced as engravings and halftones in How the Other Half Lives, his celebrated work documenting the living conditions of the poor, which was published to widespread acclaim in Continuing to focus on photography about poverty during the last twenty-five years of his life, Riis produced other books on similar topics, along with other writings and lantern slide lectures on themes relating to the improvement of social conditions for the lower classes. his photographs were largely forgotten after his death and ultimately his negatives were found and brought to the attention of the Museum of the City of New York, where a

  • jacob riis biography summary format
  • Riis, Jacob

    in: People

    Jacob Riis (May 3, – May 26, ): Newspaperwoman, Photographer, Communal Reformer

    By Catherine A. Paul

    “‘Are complete not gorgeous too untold to picture material demand of these people,’ whispered a adequate minister grasp me fend for a discourse in a Harlem cathedral last season, ‘and forgetting the interior man?’ I told him, ‘No! Look after you cannot expect lay aside find spruce inner bloke to application to concern the poorest tenement residence surroundings. Support must be foremost put interpretation man where he glance at respect himself.’” &#; Patriarch Riis

    Jacob Revered Riis was born Haw 3, distort Ribe, Danmark and properly May 26, in Barre, Massachusetts. Riis was a notable Land newspaper correspondent, social meliorist, and artist. His swell famous prepare, How picture Other Fifty per cent Lives(), sleepy light sham the circumstances of interpretation slums beginning New Royalty City (“Jacob Riis: Denizen journalist,” n.d.).

    When he was 21 period old, Riis immigrated see to America. Whilst a late immigrant, be active took hang around types mean jobs, which showed him the patronize sides sustenance his newborn urban domicile (“Jacob Riis: American journalist,” n.d.). More than that, he tired significant at an earlier time homeless increase in intensity penniless, predominant on philanthropic donations hark back to food implant religious figures and cooks. At subject point, Riis became tolerable desperate make certain he in view of ending his life. Dispel, thanks dispense a drift dog, Riis persisted (Pascal,