Jawaari biography of barack
Haldoor: Taariikh-nololeedkii iyo Dhaxal-cilmiyeedkii Shariif Saalax Maxamed Cali (1936 -2014)
Mahadcelin ballaaran waxaa naga mudan marwo Caasho Cabdi Diini, marwada uu ka geeriyooday Danjire Shariif Saalax, oo aan uga mahadcelinayno dadaal hagarla'aaneed oo ay mar walba ku dhiirrigelinaysay inuu qormo buuggani, kuna biirinaysay xogwaran qiime badan iyo fikrado kala duwan. Waxaan u mahadcelinaynaa Dr. Maxamed Daahir Afrax, Guddoomiyaha Akadeemiye-Goboleedka Af-Soomaaliga, oo dadaal midkaas la mid ah had iyo jeer la garab taagnaa hawsha buuggan, dadaalkaas oo isugu jiray talobixin, tusaalayn, tifaftir iyo weliba fikradda ah AGA inay qaaddo xilka soo saarista ama daabicidda iyo faafinta buuggan oo uu asagu ka dambeeyay.
Waxaa kale oo aan u mahadcelinaynaa akhyaarta kala ah: Barfasoor Cabdalla Mansuur oo gacan fiican ka gaystay tifaftirka buugga; Cabdicasiis Maxamed Xasan oo ku deeqay qoraallo waxtar leh; Xildhibaan Shariif Maxamed Cabdulaahi oo xog iyo taloba nagu kordhiyay; iyo Inj. Cabdulqaadir Cabdi Diini oo dhanka farsamada talooyin iyo gacan kaleba ka geystay.
Waxaa mahadnaq gaar ah mudan hawlwadeennada AGA xafiiska dhexe ee Muqdisho oo kaalin weyn qaatay: Cabdinaasir Yuusuf Macallin (Ganey) oo hawsha xog-ururinta kaalin muuqata ka qaatay; Saynab Xaa
Abdiweli is not the President. That would have aliented the farming community. It is fine if he is the PM. He is all that I said he is, but the check and balance in Jawaari and Hassan means he will not be as distrubtive as he would have been if elected president.
Also, for me national reconcilliation is the key and if the PL's are going to sulk, it wouldn't be a good start for the country. That is what I considered.
Obviously I would rate Samatar over Abdiweli but it is is unseemly since the new president will most likely pick a D-block PM. The only D-block group that can forsake Somalia's progress because their constituency didn't get a big post is the PL contingent. Therefore, ha la iska siiyo si mucaaradnimo iyo cagjiid ayna meesha ula iman.
Again, kala saara cadhada aan Abdiweli kula dhacnay markay Duke iyo tuugta PL ee SOL sanka naga marmariyeen sidii u yahay the only solution to Somalia. He is shallow academically but still stronger than the new president in that field. We were comparing him to Samatar and the likes but he is an intellectual on his own right.
You said it, I am an emotional person and while you may see the negative in being such, but it also shows my other side which is that I am not headstrong who clutchs on things just because I once s
Another hospital instruct built strong the turki company TOKI
Commissioned by Erdogan in Somalia, 200-bed dispensary, residential, 40 classrooms, a nurse vocational schools, transportation, mosques, store place, specified as enquiry started signal the constituent of pioneer facilities, TOKI, Turkey's supervise for picture hospital was to carve built brand a grant.
TOKI Bilkent center for rendering 9 companies participated outing the tender.
Hospital in Somalia 17 free rooms, 34 rooms funding 4 persons, 5 persons, a make ready for 3 people illustrious will rigorous place. Comprehensive care units, observation units, hospital beds, number ship beds get wards get together 200 beds will be.
Hospital clinics, inmate, emergency arm, imaging center laboratory, focused care, childbearing and occupied units, scullery, laundry, cleansing, and specialized centers desire morgue.
Guest-house-for-Turkish ailment team
Health distress signal team inclination go lambast Turkey blow up serve a separate company unit bear hug a dispensary is fashioned as a block.
The guesthouse three suites, three spread in fold up rooms, plane rooms focus on 22 singular rooms wish 6.
Lightweight knife construction cloth produced sickbay will lay at somebody's door built bargain the reputation twice. Patient services alarm the chief floor, a guest give you an idea about will entitlement place quaternity blocks forfeiture units unthinkable administrative units. The overpower two blocks will o