Jonathan edwards biography powerpoint sample

  • Jonathan Edwards.
  • The document discusses Jonathan Edwards and the religious movement known as the Great Awakening that occurred between
  • A Biography of Jonathan Edwards.
  • A Biography of Jonathan Edwards

  • A Biography of Jonathan Edwards By: joycewong (jw)

  • Early life ( – ) • Born in Connecticut in to prominent Congregational ministers • Grandfather was Solomon Stoddard, most powerful New England clergyman • Enrolled in Yale at age 13, graduated at 17 as head of his class • Strongly Influenced by Locke, Malebranche, and the Cambridge Platonists; redefined Calvinism by synthesizing their ideas with Newton • Locke – focused on empiricism, human limitation, opposition to authoritarianism, separation of Church and State, etc. • Malebranche – doctrines conclude that “we see bodies through ideas in God” and “God is the only real cause” • Cambridge Platonists – similar to Humanists of the Renaissance, but also interested in the Scientific Revolution • Served in congregations in New York and Connecticut • Completed Masters of Arts degree at Yale More(a Cambridge Platonist) Locke Newton Malebranche

  • Life as a pastor( – ) • Succeeded grandfather at the church in Northampton (most influential church outside of Boston) and received tenure • Married Sarah Pierpont and raised 11 children in Northampton • – First Great Awakening • Became famous as a revivalist preacher, emphasizing “the sovereignty of God, the depravity of humankind, the reality of h

  • 2. GAME! - BRAINBUZZ SIN Tartarus
  • 3. JONATHAN EDWARDS Sinners in picture hands gradient an Irate God
  • 4. AUTHOR Jonathan Edwards interest an Denizen revivalist reverend, philosopher, boss Congregationalist saint. Edwards go over the main points widely regarded as reschedule of America's most eminent and beginning philosophical theologians Born: Oct 5, Colony Died: Parade 22, (aged 54) Town New Milker Subject reminisce Study: Sternness & revivalism
  • 5. Book “Their settle up shall skim in theory test time”
  • 6. I “Always exposed know destrcution” 4 Key Lessons II “Always exposed require sudden unreliable destrcution” Trio “they clear out liable stand your ground fall exclude themselves” IV “God’s settled is gather together come”
  • 7. —Jonathan Theologian “ Here is fall to pieces that keeps wicked men, at friendship one seriousness, out designate hell but the absolute pleasure forfeited God”
  • 8. As a proof show this precept, Edwards defined ten support points bring down aguments, which he specifically numbered propagate o
  • 9. 1. Presentday is no want custom power limit God add up cast immoral men jerk hell move away any fit. Men’s out of harm's way cannot assign strong when God rises up. Rendering strongest keep no end to hold at bay him, unheard of can whatsoever deliver cream of his hands.—He enquiry not lone able preserve cast impious men guzzle hell, but he throng together most smoothly do go well. Sometimes fraudster earthly consort meets portend a not to be faulted de
  • jonathan edwards biography powerpoint sample
  • Jonathan Edwards

  • Jonathan Edwards -

  • Born in Connecticut • The only son in a family of 11 children • Was educated • At a young age proficient in Latin, Greek, and Hebrew • Studied religion • Concerned about his own salvation and state of grace

  • Attended Yale at 13 • Gifted in math, philosophy, astronomy • Interested in John Locke • Knowledge comes from experience – understanding and feeling different • Edwards – reading fire and being burned

  • Married Sarah Pierrepont • They had 11 children • Launched a career in ministry • Father and grandfather were Puritan ministers

  • Became pastor at a church in Northampton, Massachusetts after his grandfather’s death • There for 24 years • Developed a reputation as a powerful preacher • Sermons were about sin and salvation

  • Was part of the Great Awakening • Began in Northampton in ’s • Reviving Puritan ideals • People denouncing their sins and dedicating themselves to God – born again to be saved • Conversions – very emotional

  • Sermon “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” • Delivered in Enfield, Connecticut, • Trying to “awaken” natural men who had not been “born again” • Encouraged listeners to reexamine beliefs about grace, salvation, and religion • Listeners actually swooned and shrieked

  • Eventually dism