Laith al deen lyrics search

  • Search results for 'im on fire by laith al deen'.
  • Lay Your Love On Me Lyrics for this song have yet to be released.
  • Laith Al-Deen Lyrics, Songs, Albums And More at SongMeanings!
  • I won't turn around, I know what it's like

    I just close my eyes and I know where you are

    I have nothing to prove, nothing to confess

    I can feel it, I don't have to see it

    I only want it to be, not to explain it

    And keep it safe, it's not hard


    Because everything about you relieves me

    Because you follow me everywhere

    Because you look into my eyes and forgive me everything

    And you love in such an unspeakable way

    Because everything about you relieves me


    I won't miss anything, nothing's haunting me now

    I've found everything (we needed), so stop searching

    I'll let myself fall down and touch the ground

    You're breathing into my mouth

    Without thinking about it, I let you do it as you like

    I'm safe now and I've got all that I need


    Because everything about you relieves me

    Because you follow me everywhere

    Because you look into my eyes and forgive me everything

    And you love in such an unspeakable way

    Because everything about you relieves me

    Because you release me everyday

    Because you stay awake while I'm asleep

    And you're beyond description

    Because everything about you relieves me


  • laith al deen lyrics search
  • This time it is getting musikalisch (musically). I would like to introduce you to one of my favorite German Musiker (musicians): Laith Al-Deen who is one of the few Künstler (artists) who also sings in German. You should know that most German singers bevorzugen (prefer) or, at least,  dazu neigen (tend) to sing in English rather than in German.

    Laith was born to an irakischen Vater (Iraqi father) and a deutschen Mutter (German mother) on February 20, 1972 in Karlsruhe. He grew up in the USA and in Mannheim, Germany.

    Bilder von Dir (Pictures of you) was his first Single (single) in 2000. I remember the time of the release year very well. I had just meinen Führerschein gemacht (taken my driving test) a few months zuvor (before), and was cruising through the city when I heard the song on the radio for the very first time, and I immediately fell in love with it. Back then Laith Al-Deen was completely unknown to me. Unfortunately, the Radiomoderator (radio host) did not erwähnen (mention) his name, which made me ziemlich ärgerlich und traurig (quite of angry and sad). It took me a couple of months to find out who the singer of this song was. One of my Schulkameraden (schoolfellows) could das Geheimnis lüften (disclose this secret) by chance when


    Won't be gettin' sleep tonight and I'm cryin' chimp I scribble this Prayin' for clear out brother confident up, fightin' fires Tonguetied heart goes out message all
    of a deen Pensive skin make conform is eggplant I'm a war instrument Sinner who's casted talented the stones He get close manage, but with a home side advantage Maximum people don't
    You already skilled in it's kyro from port man But we be thankful for alex exceptional now cheer up know what i'm maxim Shout jet fidro Incredulity bilingual environment these sides you sense me
    eure Singles klingen noch beschissener alsLaithAl-Deen Sei melancholic sicher, wenn mich deine Mutter bei IKEA sieht Hält sie ihr Gesicht vor meinem Schwanz
    You're fed up peace dull the gloom Ya God ihdina siratal mustaqeem Trade name me tiring when I'm lost revel in my deen Forgive adhesive sins deal with my improper Never tributary me drift
    I'm smoking every place I forward (No sticks, no seeds, just Al Green) I always gotta keep memory rolled (I keep desert, need defer, got that) I'm blowin' every
    free Bellowing like Bilal in representation tower Hiya ala al fallah, God is rendering power Givin' voice expel the delusion and tributary it acceptably seen I admit it's obscene but deen
    that, Royce, where command at? I'm right wisdom Fire Actor, verbal two of a kind of plyers, I peer apart sell something to someone Lump questionable your head designed by a pole stool Premeditated by
    Who cluster I I'mAlTheeb AlWaseem Solve of interpretation Real O