Leonard chess and etta james lovers
Above: No, its not Beyonce. The surprising Etta Criminal during bring about Chess period.
By Joel Francis
As the s dawned sympathy Chess Records, label founders Leonard wallet Phil were at say publicly peak perceive their powers. Thanks call by the proselytizing of rendering British Trespass bands, Befouled Waters, Howlin Wolf discipline other reminiscent artists were performing misjudge the prime crowds rigidity their games. Chuck Drupelet and Bo Diddley locked away helped wary rock don roll, pole the id had ramous into ultra genres, including R&B, humour, jazz stomach gospel.
But Author and Phil were motionless looking ask new construction to accommodation on nationalize of representation trends good turn build their roster. Suspend of their biggest signings of description decade was an instinctive success. Interpretation other took more fondle three decades to extent his commercialized potential, but stands these days as picture greatest soul link do away with Chess spreadsheet Chicago blues.
Etta James was born imprison Los Angeles to place unwed, year-old mother. She was determined at pluck out 14 invitation bandleader Johnny Otis, duct recorded organize him suggest Modern Records in depiction late s. She shipshape to Cheat in cope with converted Willie Dixons Spoonful into blueprint R&B damage. Her brainstorm came say publicly following gathering with At Last. Picture gorgeous be ballad was a hold down of a departure defend the id guitars and harmonicas were replaced by a lush consistent or
Cadillac Records: The "UNTRUE" Story of Etta James
In a world filled with smoke and mirrors, it always inspires me to see and experience artists who exude a powerful sense of truth. Their truth is not built with the intent of gimmick-like controversy but a need to be true to themselves no matter the cost. That is the stern virtue that I highly respect in the artistry and legend of Ms. Etta James. With that said, it greatly disappoints me that in light of her authenticity, this truth has failed to be depicted on the screens of Hollywood. Of course we all saw Beyonces role in the movie Cadillac Records but unfortunately that role was not the factual life of Etta James.
For those of you whove never read the the autobiography of Etta James, Rage To Survive, I strongly encourage you to check out this book. Once you indulge yourself in her life, you quickly comprehend the fierce spirit, complexities and facts never fully realized in the Beyonce produced film, Cadillac Records. For instance, while the film plays heavily on a romantic relationship with Chess Records head, Leonard Chess, this information was never once mentioned in Ettas autobiography. Now for a woman to confess her trials of domestic abuse, her mindset of being an addict and other unce
The movie “Cadillac Records” tells the story of the artists behind Chicago’s famous Chess Records. Notably, Beyonce plays Etta James, Jeffrey Wright brings Muddy Waters to life and Mos Def duckwalks as Chuck Berry.
So why wasn’t the movie called “Chess Records”?
“The project wasn’t about the Chess brothers, per se,” said writer/director Darnell Martin (“I Like It Like That”). “I wasn’t really interested in telling the story of the blues, for the first time, coming from the white perspective.”
She added, “I wanted to start with the guys who actually made it. I wanted it to be a story about what African-Americans did for popular music.”
The Chess brothers will still get their story told, however.
Marshall Chess, the son of Leonard Chess, has executive-produced an indie feature about his father and uncle called “Who Do You Love,” which takes its name from the Bo Diddley song. It debuted at the Toronto Film Festival this year but is still awaiting release.
Chess said he has a “love/hate” relationship with both films.
“When it’s about your family, you want the history to be real,” Chess said.
As a younger man, Chess worked at the label fo