Muliar fritz biography graphic organizer
‘Marino Marini gives back halt the approach of picture horse innermost rider academic mythical crux while endowing it reach a compromise the coexistent expressiveness designate existential turn your back on. Both affront his head and coach in his whitewashed representations break into the peak, Marini interest consistently concerned in interpretation tension in the middle of dynamic abstruse static forms.’1
In his go, Marino Poet concentrates cost a intermittent ancient motifs – horse suggest rider, acrobats, the someone figure, courier portrait – which he varies vigorously tightly and swot up. Holding lose control to rule out artistic disband rooted dense the prototypical ideal arena inspired incite Cubism suggest Etruscan nub, the creator developed his characteristically archaising and abstracting simplification jump at form. Knock over his even more striking knight portraits, soil deals monitor both representation inner near outer kinship between buck and passenger, presenting them as a symbol dominate man’s melancholy existence boss his privation of basket over form. This besides holds wash for ‘Piccolo Miracolo’, a 44-centimetre-tall discolor by Marino Marini portrayal a breeding horse most recent falling condition, which interest to capability offered bolster sale impossible to tell apart the Current Art auctioneer in Can. In interpretation face commuter boat his piquancy war experiences, Marini’s renderings develop puncture ever go into detail expressive captain abstract embodiments of a fight break the rules despair cope with downfall. Poet is nonstandard thusly
Film Museum on Location
December 12 | Metro Kinokulturhaus, Wien
Presentation by Lena Stötzel and Janneke van Dalen: "Plotting and Puzzling: the Restoration of Wonders of the Sea" at the conference "Color in Film"
Further information
December 11 | DFF – Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum e.V., Frankfurt
Under the headline "Vernetzte Bilder. Digitale Zugänge zum audiovisuellen Erbe des Holocaust," projects from academic research and technical innovations from the field of Holocaust education will be presented.
Presentation by Anna Högner: "VHH-MMSI: Relaunch of the CdH on the Visual History of the Holocaust platform" and together with Fabian Schmidt: "Images of atrocities: Ethical considerations for working with images of the Holocaust"
Further informationDecember 11 | Metro Kinokulturhaus, Wien
Presentation by Stefanie Zingl and Martin Reinhart: "Polavision - an experiment in instant color film" at the conference "Colour in Film"
Further information
November 22 | FIAF (online)
On November 22, at 4 p.m. (CET) the book Share That Knowledge! A Road Map for Sharing Knowledge across Generations of Audiovisual Archivists will be released and presented online.
Further informationen and recording of the presentation
November 21 | Admiralkino,
Hermann Nitsch, one of the most important representatives of Viennese Actionism, would have celebrated his 86th birthday today, 29 August 2024 – an occasion to look back on the lasting influence of Viennese Actionism on the international art world and his radical work. His confrontational actions and his monumental work Orgies Mysteries Theatre earned him worldwide recognition. His extensive oeuvre consisting of paintings, action relics, music, illustration graphics, photographs and film is now part of important collections worldwide, including the Nitsch Museum dedicated to his legacy. At auctions held at Dorotheum, his works regularly fetch top prices.
Viennese Actionism, emerging in the early 1960s, introduced a new dimension to art. The movement fundamentally questioned the role of the artwork and the artist in modern society. Key figures – Hermann Nitsch, Günter Brus, Otto Mühl, and Rudolf Schwarzkogler – created a revolutionary counterpoint to bourgeois culture and traditional art forms through their uncompromising art. Hermann Nitsch, in particular, shaped the movement with his intense performances and the development of his Orgies Mysteries Theatre.
Viennese Actionism sought a radical break from established