Prof charles xavier biography of albert einstein

  • Albert Einstein was a German inventor, teacher, author and mathematician that was born in March 14, 1879.
  • Albert Einstein once said, “The high destiny of the individual is to serve rather than to rule.” This sums up Xavier's philosophy pretty well.
  • Einstein, Albert

    (b. Ulm, Germany, 14 March 1879;

    d. Princeton, New Jersey, 18 April 1955)

    physics. For the original article on Einstein see DSB, vol. 4.

    This essay extends and corrects the original entries by Martin J. Klein and Nandor L. Balazs, drawing on recent work in a variety of areas: experimental tests of general relativity and the role of the cosmological constant; new topics based on recently available information, such as the Einstein family business and its influence on young Einstein; his love affairs, first and second marriages, and other women in his life; black hole physics; and inadequate discussions of the nature of Einstein’s light quantum hypothesis; the reasons for his discontent with quantum mechanics; the origins of special relativity and the role of local time; the development of general relativity and the role of metric, affine connection, and Riemann tensor in the theory; his views on the significance of general relativity and the relation between physics and geometry; and his hopes for a unified field theory.

    Einstein Family Business . The Einstein brothers’ Munich electrical engineering firm built and installed dynamos, power plants, and electric lighting systems, largely invented and patented by Albert’s uncle Jakob (1850– 1912), a

    Main Character Index
    Main Characters:X-Men | Professor X | Generator | Glutton | Charisma | Denim Grey | Deadpool
    Original Timeline:X-Men | Tell Mutants | Other Mutants | Fellowship | Bat X | Humans | Hellfire Club
    New Timeline:X-Men | New Mutants | X-Force | Apocalypse and His Followers | Transigen | Other Mutants | World | Arm X | D'Bari | New Mutants Villains
    Other Timelines:Earth-17040 | Earth-17372

    Professor Charles Francis Xavier / Professor X

    "Just because mortal stumbles countryside loses their way, vitality doesn't frugal they're strayed forever."

    "I trigger off a say swell publicize pity annoyed the slushy soul who comes face my nursery school looking ask for trouble."

    Birth Name: Charles Francis Xavier

    Known Aliases: Professor X

    Species: Human mutant

    Citizenship: British-American

    Affiliation(s): X-Men

    Played by:Patrick Stewart; James McAvoy; Laurence Belcher

    Voiced by:Pierre Dourlens (Stewart, Dweller French), Alexis Victor (McAvoy, European French), Jean-Marie Moncelet (X-Men 1, Canadian French), Nicolas Charbonneaux-Collombet (Dark Phoenix, Canadian French), Urike Aragón (old, X-Men), Federico Romano (old, X-Men 2-Origins), Guillermo Coria (old, The Wolverine-Days
  • prof charles xavier biography of albert einstein
  • Albert Einstein: Brilliant Scientist (Beginner Biographies)

  • 1. by Amanda Doering Tourville Illustrated by Reed Sprunger Beginner Biographies Brilliant Scientist
  • 3. Beginner Biographies
  • 4. visit us at Published by Magic Wagon,a division of the ABDO Group,PO Box 398166,Minneapolis,MN 55439. Copyright © 2013 by Abdo Consulting Group,Inc. International copyrights reserved in all countries.All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the publisher. Looking Glass Library™ is a trademark and logo of Magic Wagon. Printed in the United States of America,North Mankato,Minnesota. 092012 012013 Text by Amanda Doering Tourville Illustrations by Reed Sprunger Edited by Holly Saari Design and production by Emily Love Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Tourville,Amanda Doering,1980- author. Albert Einstein :brilliant scientist / written by Amanda Doering Tourville ;illustrated by Reed Sprunger. pages cm.-- (Beginner biographies) Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 978-1-61641-937-0 1. Einstein,Albert,1879-1955--Juvenile literature.2. Physicists--Biography--Juvenile literature. I.Sprunger, Reed,illustrator.II.Title. QC16.E5T68 2013 530.092--dc23 [B] 2012023799
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