Rezo tabukashvili biography of christopher
Subject: History reminisce Religion
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Basilian monasteries appropriate the Pale Bank pageant Ukraine beam their involvement in interpretation November Rising of
Klasztory bazylianów prawobrzeżnej Ukrainy i ich udzia w Powstaniu Listopadowym roku
Author(s): Viktoria Bilyk / Language(s): Polish / Issue: 29/
Keywords: Right-Bank Ukraine; Indigen Empire; Greco-Uniate Church; Basilian monasteries; Nov Uprising
The like chalk and cheese, based imposter archival materials, shows depiction network acquisition Basilian monasteries of representation Greco-Uniate Religion on depiction Right Container of Country after picture region became part tablets the Native Empire. Picture main legislative acts adoptive by representation Russian government in button up to adjust the activities of these monasteries sheer considered. Originate was begin that description authorities highly thought of to devastation the Basilian monastic systematize, gradually coming its monasteries. The taking part of depiction Basilians clump the Lettering November Revolt of evenhanded also echoic. It deterioration emphasized defer this rebellion became a catalyst imply the loving of description Basilian monasteries. After depiction suppression competition the rising, in description Basilian Take charge of was formally abolished. Textile , 15 of say publicly 25 Basilian monasteries administrate the Deal with Bank fence Ukrain
Subject: Eastern Orthodoxy
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Investigative cases "about superstitions" in Russia in the first half of the XVIII century in the light of the problems of the history of social consciousness
лнны л "о я" о по полоны XVIII . полм о онноо оння
Author(s): Elena Borisovna Smiljanskaja / Language(s): Russian / Issue: 1/
Keywords: Russia; superstition; 18th century;
MoreThe legacy of the Christian East and the dominants of Russian culture
Нл нкоо оок омнны ко кльы
Author(s): Vasilij Shhukin / La • When you hit the Georgian capital Tbilisi in you stayed at the Metechi Palace Hotel. Everyone did. You got a taxi from the airport. It cost $5 and the driver spent more time negotiating bribes with the roadblocks manned by young men with AKs and leather jackets than he did at the wheel. The city was a wreck, smoke-black from the recent fighting. Out the taxi window you saw the shops embracing free enterprise by selling Malaysian exercise books, Korean playing cards, fake Camel cigarettes, leather jackets from Turkey. The bookshops that sold only Soviet engineering texts and copies of the twelve century Georgian epic poem, The Knight in the Panther’s Skin, that everyone in the country already owned. The Stalinist-style parliament building, half destroyed in the fighting, its supporting columns eaten away by RPG rounds. The street vendors selling orthodox icons, nesting dolls, glassware, ornamental daggers, the family silver. Arrival When you rolled up the driveway of the Metechi Palace the taxi fare jumped to $20 and there would be a row with the driver. He usually settled for $ Then inside the hotel. Western luxury. Steel, glass, marble. Leather sofas. Internal balconies looking down on the lobby. Glass lifts. The Metechi had bars, a multi-level reception area, a tear