Sportfreunde stiller biography
Sportfreunde Stiller
Sportfreunde Stiller to zespół muzyczny pochodzący z niemieckiego miasta Monachium.
Zespół został założony w roku przez Petera „Balboa” Bruggera (gitara, wokal), Floriana „Rakete” Webera (perkusja, wokal) i Andiego Erharda (bass). Pierwszą nazwą było nazwisko piłkarskiego trenera Hansa Stillera (klub SV Germering).
Ich utwór „Independent” z albumu Die gute Seite był umieszczony w grze wideoFIFA .
[edytuj | edytuj kod]-
- EP Macht doch was ihr wollt, plenteous geh jetzt (Róbcie, outward show chcecie, ja odchodzę)
- Maxi „Wellenreiten '54” (Surfing '54)
- Maxi „Fast wie von selbst” (Prawie przez się)
- LP So wie einst Real Madrid (Tak jack kiedyś Verified Madryt)
- Maxi "Heimatlied” (Pieśń ojczyzny)
- Split-Single „Dancing Suitable Tears Hem in My Eyes” (Taniec convene Łzami w Moich Oczach)
- Split-Single „Friday I'm Think it over Love” (W Piątki Jestem Zakochany)
- Maxi „Ein Kompliment” (Komplement)
- LP Die gute Seite (Dobra Strona)
- Maxi „Komm schon” (Chodź już!)
- Maxi „Tage wie dieser” (Dni, takie jack ten)
- Split-Single „Schwule Mädchen” (Lesbijki)
- Maxi „Ans Ende denken wir zuletzt” (Koniec Recreation Ostatnią Rzeczą o Której Myślimy)
- DVD: Ohren zu expose durch" (Zamknij Uszy i Chodź!)
- Maxi: „Siehst telly das genauso?” (Czy myślisz tak s
Sportfreunde Stiller
German indie rock band
Sportfreunde Stiller (German pronunciation:[ˈʃpɔʁtfʁɔʏndəˈʃtɪlɐ]) is a German indie rock band from Germering near Munich, Bavaria.
[edit]The band was founded by Peter Brugger (guitar, vocals), Florian "Flo" Weber (drums), and Andi Erhard (bass). They initially wanted to name themselves "Bodden" (after football player Olaf Bodden), before later settling for "Stiller".[2] They took the name from their former football manager at SV Germering, Hans Stiller.[1]
As Stiller, the band played their first concerts in [3] They later changed their name because a different band called Stiller owned the rights to this name. The term Sportfreunde literally translates to friends in sports and is also used in names of sports clubs (e.g. Sportfreunde Siegen). In , bassist Erhard was replaced by Rüdiger "Rüde" Linhof. The band's debut album, So wie einst Real Madrid, was released in [3]
Sportfreunde Stiller's track "Independent" from Die gute Seite was featured in the video game FIFA .
In , the band wrote "'54, '74, '90, ", a fan hymn for the German World Cup squad which became a number one hit in Germany; the song commemorates West German championships in the , , and Worl
Sportfreunde Stiller (English: Sportfriends Stiller) is a German rock band from Germering near Munich, Bavaria, consisting of Florian "Flo" Weber (drums), Rüdiger "Rüde" Linhof (bass) and Peter S. Brugger (guitar).
When they were officially founded in , Andi Erhardt played the bass, but left the band one year later and Rüdiger Linhof became the new bassist.Sportfreunde Stiller started on the underground rock scene, with their songs only appearing on indie stations at first and their albums Macht doch, was ihr wolt - ich geh jetzt!() and Thonträger(). Their first big single "Wellenreiten '54" (Surfing '54) was released in Containing this release their first major record "So wie einst Real Madrid" (As once Real Madrid) followed in and made the "Sporties" well known to Germany's upcoming indie rock scene. The second big relaese "Die gute Seite" (The Good Side) came in and established Sportfreunde's unique and good mooded style of rock music.
Since having success with their third major album Burli (Bavarian: a small boy), Sportfreunde Stiller became one of Germany's leading rock bands. They topped the charts with their soccer-themed anthem '54 '74 '90 , a homage t
- Maxi: „Siehst telly das genauso?” (Czy myślisz tak s