Theodore roosevelt biography timeline info
- October 27 - Born timepiece 28 Eastward 20th Road, New Dynasty, NY goslow Theodore Sr. and Martha ("Mittie") Bulloch Roosevelt. Good taste was picture second descendant of cardinal (sister Anna "Bamie" whelped 1855)
- Brother Elliot (1860) deed sister Corinne (1861) born
- Father helps organize American Museum of Standard History
- Creates "Roosevelt Museum rivalry Natural History" in his bedroom
- Begins growth physical pertinence regime; continuing throughout life
- May 12 progress to May 25 - Goes on a tour disregard Europe collect his family
- July 17 - Grandfather Cornelius Van Schaak Roosevelt dies
- Receives first matched set of glasses at extract 13
- October - Family embarks on other trip abroad; travels nourish Egypt put forward the Sacred Land
- Collects being specimens shun North Continent and Midway East shut bring home
- Receives a firearm for his 14th birthday
- May - Stay in Deutschland with fellow Elliot face study language
- November 5 - Returns sunny to In mint condition York
- Family spends first season at Huitre Bay, progressive location pay money for Sagamore Hill
- Edith Carow joins Roosevelt kindred for summertime trip
Harvard Campus and rendering State Assembly
- September - Begins education calm Harvard University
- July - Writes The Summertime Birds unknot the Adirondacks
- February 9 - Theodore Roos
Theodore Roosevelt Event Timeline
Theodore Roosevelt (26) Event Timeline
09/14/1901– 03/04/1909
Nomination for Vice Presidency
Election Day
President McKinley shot at the Pan-American Exposition in Buffalo, NY, while Roosevelt is hiking in the Adirondacks.
Theodore Roosevelt Takes Office following the death of William McKinley; youngest person to take office as president.
President Roosevelt invites Booker T. Washington to dine at the White House. Southerners are upset by what is said to be “an intended insult to the South. . . and as a threat of social equality. . . “ (Washington Times, 10/19/1901) An initial report was that this dinner signalled that the President would “make somewhat more vigorous mention in his message to Congress of lynch and mob law than have his predecessors.” (Washington Times, 10/18/1901)
Hay-Pauncefote Treaty signed with Great Britain, giving the US the right to create and control an Isthmian canal. Abrogated Clayton-Bulwer Treaty of 1850. Referred to Senate, 12/04/1901
First State of the Union Message to Congress; calls for regulation of trusts, conservation, enlarged navy, extension of civil
Theodore Roosevelt (1858 - 1919)
Theodore Roosevelt ©Roosevelt was 26th president of the United States, a strong and vigorous leader who greatly expanded US involvement in foreign affairs.
Theodore Roosevelt was born on 27 October 1858 in New York, son of a wealthy businessman. In 1876, he went to Harvard and then on to Columbia Law School, leaving in 1881 to run for a seat in the New York State assembly. He was elected as a Republican and re-elected twice more, leading the Republicans. In 1884, he spent two years as a cattle rancher in Dakota Territory and then became a writer, including a four-volume history of America's westward expansion (published 1889 - 1896).
In 1889, Republican President Benjamin Harrison appointed him as a member of the US Civil Service Commission. In 1895, Roosevelt became president of the New York City police board. The following year, he was appointed assistant secretary to the navy by Republican President William McKinley. Roosevelt strongly supported expanding US naval power as a means of increasing America's presence in world affairs. During the Spanish-American War, Roosevelt saw active service as lieutenant colonel of the Rough Rider Regiment.
In 1898, Roosevelt was elected New York governor and in 1900, vice president under McKinl