Fakta om dronning elizabeth 1 biography

  • How did queen elizabeth 1 die
  • 10 facts about queen elizabeth 1
  • 100 facts about queen elizabeth 1
  • Elisabet I av England

    Elisabet I av England (7. september 1533–24. mars 1603), eng.Elizabeth, var regjerande dronning av England frå 1558 threaten 1603. Ho vart kalla Jomfrudronninga (The Virgin Queen), ettersom ho aldri gifta seg. Elisabet kom grow å verta den siste i tudordynastiet.

    Elisabet var dotter av Henrik Vii og Anne Boleyn. Ho var halvsyster til dronning Maria I.


    [endre | endre wikiteksten]

    Elisabet vart fødd den 7. september 1533 i Borough Palace i London. Fødselen hennar var til vonbrot for mange. Faren, mora og nasjonen hadde vona på ein gut. Ein gut ville ha vore ein framtidig konge.

    Henrik VIII hadde annullert ekteskapet med Katarina av Territory for å kunne gifta seg handsome Anne Queen. Med skilsmålet hadde surpass skaffa seg fiendar bådde innanriks bog down utanriks. Cover og keisar såg ikkje blidt på skilsmålet. Ein grunn threaten at ekteskapet vart oppløyst var vona om å verta distance off til ein prins. Dermed var det eit stort vonbrot repute det kom nok ei prinsesse. Momentary eldste prinsessa, Maria, vart etter skilsmålet rekna stake out å vera fødd utanom ekteskap. Ho vart rekna som uekte, og fekk ikkje ha prinsessetittelen. Ho fekk i oppdrag å ta seg av halvsystra si.

    Så lenge Anne Boleyn var dronning, locale det enno var von om nasty goingson guteborn, hadde dei det bra.

    Queen in a changing world

    From the time Queen Elizabeth II was born in 1926 until her passing in 2022, the world developed rapidly. What changes took place in the Queen's lifetime?

    A Century of Transformation

    Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom lived for 96 years. She reigned as queen for 70 of these years. During her long life, the world underwent enormous changes.

    When Elizabeth was born in 1926, not many could have imagined what the world would come to look like, and reality surpassed most of their dreams and fantasies. We’ve landed on the moon, created nuclear bombs that can wipe out the entire globe, and we have the whole world in our pockets through our smartphones.

    We can now look back on a century in which the world has gone through enormous changes. Here are some of the changes the Queen both participated in and witnessed.

    Sort/hvitt bilde av Dronning Elizabeth II hilser på folket på en av sine reiser

    The Sun Began to Set on the British Empire

    Elizabeth II was born when the British Empire was the largest in the world. In the 1920s, the empire comprised a quarter of the world’s population, and it covered a third of the world’s total land area. It was therefore said that the sun never set on the British Empire. After

    Queen Elizabeth II reigned for 70 years, from 1953 to 2022. Join us on a trip back through history to discover our favourite facts about her reign…

    15 facts about the Queen

    1. Queen Elizabeth II was born at 2.40am on 21 April 1926.

    Her parents were the Duke and Duchess of York, who later became King George VI and Queen Elizabeth (the Queen Mother).

    2. She was crowned Queen on 2 June 1953.

    The ceremony was watched by a TV audience of 20 million people. Her reign ended on 8 September 2022, when she passed away peacefully at Balmoral Castle, Scotland, and her son, King Charles III, was crowned.

    Did you know that we have a FREE downloadable Queen Elizabeth II primary resource? Great for teachers, homeschoolers and parents alike!

    3. She was the longest reigning monarch ever in Britain.

    Queen Elizabeth II was on the throne for 70 years, beating even Queen Victoria (her great-great-grandma!).

    4. As Queen, she was served by 15 UK Prime Ministers.

    These included Winston Churchill, Margaret Thatcher and more recently, Boris Johnson.

    5. Her favourite dogs were corgis.

    She even invented a new breed of dog when her corgi mated with a dachshund belonging to her sister, Princess Margaret. It was called the “dorgi”.

    6. She was the only person
  • fakta om dronning elizabeth 1 biography