Jecca craig biography of rory gilmore

  • LAWRENCE — More than 8,900 undergraduate students at the University of Kansas earned honor roll distinction for the fall 2024 semester.
  • This is Gilmore Girls coming full circle: Rory following in the footsteps of her mother, pregnant and alone, with a father looking likely to be only nominally.
  • She and Craig Flanagin make no-wave music driven spectacles with their company, The Drunkard's Wife.


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    Boston’s Longwood Symphony Orchestra (LSO) has appointed Hannah Collins, associate professor and string area coordinator at the University of Kansas School of Music, as its executive director. LSO, which seeks to combine the healing arts of music and medicine, is mostly comprised of healthcare professionals, including medical students, therapists, and caregivers, many of whom pursued advanced musical studies before turning to medicine. Collins holds an MM and Artistic Diploma from Yale and a DMA from the City University of New York.

    Sean Campbell, recent artistic planning manager for the Chamber Music Society (CMS) of Lincoln Center, is to be the new executive director of Emerald City Music (ECM), a ten-year-old chamber music presenter based in Seattle. ECM offers seven programs in a variety of venues—small concert hall to lounge with open bar—and was founded with a commitment to eclecticism by Artistic Director Kristin Lee. Campbell starts February 3.

    The South Bend (IN) Symphony’s executive director Justus Zimmerman stepped down last month to take the same job with the Austin Symphony Orchestra. South Bend has appointed its director of marketing, Sarah Perschbacher, as interim. She studied at Indiana University South Bend from which she holds master’s and bachel

    LAWRENCE — More than 8,900 undergraduate students at the University of Kansas earned honor roll distinction for the fall 2024 semester.  

    The honor roll comprises undergraduates who meet requirements in the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences and in the schools of Architecture & Design, Business, Education & Human Sciences, Engineering, Health Professions, Journalism & Mass Communications, Music, Nursing, Pharmacy, Professional Studies and Social Welfare.

    Honor roll criteria vary among the university’s academic units. Students must complete a minimum number of credit hours to be considered for the honor roll.

    Fall 2024 honorees are below and include students whose honor roll status was conferred before Jan. 31, 2025. Students who believe their names were mistakenly omitted should directly contact their academic advisers. Not all students opt to have their names published. For more information, visit the KU News Service hometown news page.


    Emily Aalbers, Chesterfield, Missouri; School of Education & Human Sciences
    Logan Aarnes, Auburn, Kansas; School of Business
    Aniketh Aatipamula, Overland Park, Kansas; School of Engineering
    David Abajian, West Hills, California; School of Business
    Kossivi Abalo, Junction City, Kansas; School of Pharmacy
    Joe Abba

  • jecca craig biography of rory gilmore