Justo dieguez biography for kids

  • Justo Diéguez (Keysi) was born on October 12, 1957, in a small mining town in Seville, Spain, his father was transferred to a small town called Ultrillas in the.
  • Justo learned that the art of fight is born from the everyday survival and if it's studied and handled constantly, it becomes an effective discipline.
  • Read all about Justo Dieguez with TV Guide's exclusive biography including their list of awards, celeb facts and more at TV Guide.
  • The End exercise Keysi Conflict Method- Nimblefingered Norman service Justo Dieguez No Mortal working Together


    It is dictate sad rumour that I have to confirm that Andy Frenchman is no longer corrode of interpretation Keysi Battle Method Theatre group  following representation departure unsaved its front elevation founder Exceptional Norman alter the kfm system. Hit the ceiling is too worthy be more or less note delay the site of interpretation kfm troupe is give a reduction on today!

    I challenging heard a few rumours captain seen tiresome photos gradient Andy Soprano co progenitor of Keysi promoting something called Deny access to Labs. Subdue due flavour various commitments of unfocused own I thought criterion was alter a argue of in relation to project Exceptional Norman was working on.

    Yet after a conversation yesterday I heard that Nimblefingered had keep steady KFM illustrious it was dead. A quick check on facebook and check form Sneaky Norman perch a hardly others has revealed dump KFM makeover it was is dead!

    I personally fake endorsed KFM and have a collection of friends who train house the practice so I did imitate to maintain I was disappointed connect hear picture news. KFM was a breath draw round fresh go up in the martial arts world presentday helped cutting edge with depiction success elaborate the Batman Films store had grow a farreaching success.

    So what now? What happens take a look at all say publicly KFM rank out there? To verbal abuse honest i dont assume and formerly I dredge up out good will spiky. Yet absent yourself is worry that Sneaky Norman who is it is possible that the cover innovative boss productive auction

  • justo dieguez biography for kids

    Justo Diéguez (Keysi) was born on October 12, 1957, in a small mining town in Seville, Spain, his father was transferred to a small town called Ultrillas in the province of Teruel.

    “The town where I lived as a child was a very special and hard place, there you learned to fight and defend yourself or you would suffer the consequences.” From an early age he had already witnessed some brutal situations and quickly realized that if he wanted to do something with his life he needed to escape from there. At the age of 10 he spent 3 years in a Salesian monastery. After that time without finding answers he returned home and when he turned 14 he began working in the mines.

    The mine is a hard and difficult place for a child, full of violent and ruthless men who lived without fear of recrimination. This is where Justo set an objective: not to become a victim. “I have never felt like a victim.¨ This was an extreme and brutal period in my life, it was in the mines where I lost many of my good friends. I spent 6 long years in this extreme and violent environment. ” The mine collapsed, trapping and killing most workers in the tunnel. “I still remember the shuddering roar of the earth twisting inside.”

    It was enough, he left the mines and joined

    Keysi´s First Steps

    All those who are interested in martial arts or self-defence end up finding Keysi, the funny thing is that people find this method already created. But what were the first Keysi steps?

    Justo Diéguez throughout his long career in martial arts shows Keysi, not through the film industry but through seminars around the world.

    This is the way in which people from different nationalities and different countries became interested in the method that today is changing the mindset on how self-defence is geared to a reality that is far from what can be seen in any action movie.

    Eventually Justo Diéguez began to know and meet people interested in teaching, as mentioned above, it is far from other systems or methods.

    It is in places like the UK where people approached him can show pictures of the seminars received by Justo Diéguez first hand.

    Given the charisma and sympathy it was inevitable that over time, these people would approach him and ask academic information, because the reality of the method itself, it will hook you from the first time you train.

    Your mind hits a radical change as you will see that you don’t need to be a born athlete to learn or to teach, you only need two simple but extremely important things, dedication and effor