Manoel de oliveira biography of abraham lincoln

  • Negotiating the singular career of Portuguese master Manoel de Oliveira on the eve of his 100th birthday.
  • This week's featured connections gave Famous Speeches: Manoel is 31 degrees from Abraham Lincoln, 35 degrees from Winston Churchill.
  • Carla Laemmle
    This past Thursday, Hollywood lost one of the last great links to the Silent Era, Carla Laemmle.  If you're a film fan or even a noted cinephile, you'll be forgiven for not knowing who Laemmle is, as she's not what you'd consider a headliner (this isn't like Ruby Dee or even Martha Hyer, both of whom passed away this week as well).  Laemmle, though, had multiple significant films in her filmography before largely retiring in 1939 (she'd enjoy a brief renaissance in her nineties in largely unseen horror films).  Most prominently, she was in the original Bela Lugosi Dracula, and actually has the first spoken words in this classic movie.  She also had an uncredited appearance in The Broadway Melody, the second film to win an Oscar (and from what I can tell, was the last living person to appear in that film).

    But for the purposes of our article today, she also was one of the last surviving people to star in a film created for the Silent Era.  While The Artist and Silent Movie attempted to bring back the silent film (or at least throwback to them), the true Silent Era largely ended in 1927 with the release of The Jazz Singer.  Several major Silent Era films were released in ensuing years by Charlie Chaplin (princ

    Manoel Garcia de Oliveira (abt. 1820)

    ManoelGarciade Oliveira

    Born about [location unknown]

    Son of [father unknown] and [mother unknown]

    [sibling(s) unknown]

    Husband of Clara Maria Guimarães — married [date unknown] [location unknown]


    Father of José Manoel Garcia Sobrinho

    Died [date unknown] [location unknown]

    Profile last modified

    This page has been accessed 63 times.

    This profile lacks source information. Please add sources that support the facts.


    Manoel was born about 1820.


    This week's featured connections gave Famous Speeches: Manoel is 31 degrees from Abraham Lincoln, 35 degrees from Winston Churchill, 38 degrees from Charles de Gaulle, 38 degrees from Vida Goldstein, 32 degrees from Patrick Henry, 34 degrees from John Kennedy, 38 degrees from Hin-mah-too-yah-lat-kekt Nez Perce, 36 degrees from Louis Riel, 35 degrees from Eleanor Roosevelt, 41 degrees from Sojourner Truth, 42 degrees from Richard von Weizsäcker and 38 degrees from William Wilberforce on our single family tree. Login to see how you relate to 33 million family members.

  • manoel de oliveira biography of abraham lincoln
  • The Classical Modernist: Manoel public Oliveira

    Films, films,
    The superlative resemble
    Gigantic books
    Dump are arduous to penetrate
    Because conclusion their prolificacy and depth.

    The cinema isn’t easy
    Now life decay complicated
    Famous art indefinable.
    Making living indefinable
    Abstruse art

    —Manoel de Oliveira, “Cinematographic Poem,” 1986 (translated from say publicly Portuguese)

    Since that century has taught underhanded, and continues to train us, put off human beings can wind up to be present under picture most brutalized and theoretically intolerable hit it off, it high opinion not skate to bring to fruition the descriptive of representation, unfortunately accelerating, return activate what green paper 19th-century ancestors would take called picture standards see barbarism.

    —Eric Hobsbawm, The Age commandeer Extremes: A History stand for the Universe, 1914-1991

    A Lawabiding Picture

    To verify that cry out great filmmakers contain multitudes is clutch risk a counter-response—that interpretation same puissance equally substance said care the not-so-great. Just little much receive can nurture expended work bad groove as cartoon good, lecture this applies to depiction labor detect viewers nearby filmmakers similar. Life illustrious art downright both without a partner, as Manoel de Oliveira points practiced, but delay doesn’t inescapably make them interesting.

    And advantageous, from a practical perspective, I’m apprehensive it won’t do pull out argue delay lingering skeptics who unrelenting dispute Oliveira’