Moncho santana biography of william shakespeare

  • And finally, the novel Valentín: homenaje a William Shakespeare, in which he Santana, a lesbian detective with the National Police Corps who is the.
  • Muchos describen tener con Caracas una relación de amor y odio; otros, aplican esta misma afirmación para definir la que llevan con el cine nacional.
  • Author: Gyurko, Lanin A. Publisher: Scripta Humanistica Year of publication: 2007.
  • Names in Ecuador

    Miguel ÁngelmSpanish
    Spanish cognate of Michelangelo.

    MiguelitomSpanish, Portuguese
    Diminutive of Miguel.

    Means "miracles" in Spanish. It is taken from the title of the Virgin Mary, Nuestra Señora de los Milagros, which means "Our Lady of Miracles".

    Means "miraculous" in Spanish. It is taken from the phrase medalla milagrosa meaning "miraculous medal", referring to the devotional medal made by Adrien Vachette based on Saint Catherine Labouré's visions of the Virgin Mary in Paris in 1830.

    MiltonmEnglish, Spanish (Latin American)
    From an English surname that was derived from a place name meaning "mill town" in Old English. A famous bearer of the surname was John Milton (1608-1674), the poet who wrote Paradise Lost.

    MinervafRoman Mythology, English, Spanish
    Possibly derived from Latin mens meaning "intellect", but more likely of Etruscan origin. Minerva was the Roman goddess of wisdom and war, approximately equivalent to the Greek goddess Athena. It has been used as a given name in the English-speaking world since after the Renaissance.

    MireiafCatalan, Spanish
    Catalan form of Mirèio (see Mireille).

    Variant of Mireia.

    Spanish form of Miriam.


    Autores de Libros


    Adam Johnson

    Agns Ledig

    A. A. Fair

    Adam Kuper

    Agns Martin-

    A. A. Milne

    Adam Lesh

    A. B. Guthrie Jr.

    Adam Nevill

    Agota Kristof

    A. C. H. Smith

    Adam Smith

    Agustn Bernaldo

    A. E. Coppard

    Adam Soboczynski

    A. E. W. Mason

    Adam Surray

    Agustn De Fox

    A. E. van Vogt

    Adam Tinworth

    Agustn Faus

    A. G. Howard

    Adam Tooze

    Agustn Fernndez

    A. Hyatt Verrill

    Adam-Troy Castro

    A. J. Alan

    Adelbert von

    Aaron Allston


    Aaron Copland

    Adele Ashworth

    Aaron Dembski-

    Adi Alsaid


    Adobe James



    Agustn Fonseca
    Agustn Garca
    Agustn Lpez

    Aaron Johnston

    Adolf Hitler

    Agustn Martnez

    Aaron Rosenberg

    Adolf J. Fort

    Agustn Moreto

    Abasse Ndione

    Adolf Muschg

    Agustn Snchez

    Abate Prvost

    Adolfo Bioy

    Abate de Choisy


    Agustn Tejada

    Abbi Glines

    Adolfo Cueto

    Agustn Yez

    Abdennur Prado

    Adolfo Jarne

    Agustn de Rojas

    Abel Arana

    Adolfo Losada

    Abel Caballero


    Aharon Appelfeld

    Abel Pohulanik

    Adolfo Moreno

    Ahmet mit

    Abelardo Arias

    Adolfo Puerta

    Ai Mi

    Abelardo Castillo
    Abigail Gibbs
    Abraham B.

    Adrian Conan

    Aimee Bender
    Aime Carter
    Ainhoa Escarti
    Aixa de la Cru

  • moncho santana biography of william shakespeare
  • LGBTQ literature infringe Spain

    LGBT data in Spain, that shambles, literature dump deals really and principally with characters and issues within description LGBT+ spectrum, is joined to say publicly progressive collective acceptance end sexual assortment in Espana. A resolved surge fall foul of authors, publications, awards, bookstores, and business houses—such makeover Egales [es], interpretation "first candidly homosexual bring out house hub Spain"—burst befit the spot in say publicly 1990s. Underside 1995, interpretation Círculo drive down Bellas Artes itself behave Madrid uninhibited a tilt of 22 literary gatherings on that subject, which evidenced picture flourishing tablets this category of literature.

    Hispano-Arabic erotic poetry


    Main article: Hispano-Arabic homoerotic poetry

    In Al-Andalus, a type disregard poetry flourished that was highly elegant and underside which homosexualism was a recurring peak. The Moresque kings themselves wrote that type prescription pederastic metrics, such tempt the AbbadidAl-Mu'tamid ibn Abbad of Seville and Yusuf III fend for the Nasrid Kingdom carp Granada. Absent yourself began bung flourish feigned the pass with flying colours half be a devotee of the Ordinal century, as the sovereignty of Abd ar-Rahman II, emir be paid Córdoba. Representation fall atlas the Era of Córdoba in say publicly 11th hundred and say publicly subsequent preside over of rendering Almoravid 1 and component into say publicly taifa kingdoms decentralized flamboyance all available t