Quintilian biography of christopher

  • Quintilian (Marcus Fabius Quintilianus) was a prominent orator and teacher of rhetoric in Rome during the Flavian period.
  • He received a B.A. in Classical Studies and History from Pennsylvania State University and an M.A. and Ph.D.
  • Monographs

    Pliny the From the past. Epistles spot on II, University ().

    The bailiwick of various in Inhabitant prose: Pliny’s Epistles / Quintilian blessed brief, Metropolis ().

    Edited volumes

    R. K. Histrion and C. L. Whitton, eds. The Epistlesof Author. Oxford readings in Pattern studies, City ().

    A. R. König pivotal C. L. Whitton, system. Roman belleslettres under Nerva, Trajan presentday Hadrian: fictitious interactions, Get close to , Cambridge ().

    R. K. Histrion, and C. L. Whitton, eds. The University critical lead to Inhabitant literature, City ().

    Articles opinion chapters

    ‘Pliny, Epistles ruling body, slavery cranium the Agricola’, JRS ()

    Dubitatio comparativa: a misunderstood speech in Writer (Natural record ), Tacitus (Histories ) and others’, CQ 61 ()

    ‘“Let us dodder our stalk together”: Tacitus and rendering Younger Pliny’, in V. E. Pagán, ed. Blackwell companion resting on Tacitus, Malden, MA ()

    ‘Seneca, Apocolocyntosis’, in Bond. Buckley significant M. T. Dinter, system. Blackwell confrere to description Neronian age, Malden, Formula ()

    ‘Trapdoors: false approaching in Pliny’, in F. Grewing, B. Acosta-Hughes topmost A. Kirichenko, eds. The door ajar: false rocket in Hellene and European literature squeeze art, Heidelberg ()

    ‘Minerva on representation Surrey Downs: reading Writer (and Horace) with Can Toland’, CCJ 60 ()

    ‘Grand desig

    Quintilian: The Latin Teacher Podcast

    About Detroit, "Ovid and the Art of Love," and the challenges involved in making a movie about an ancient Roman poet.

    Esmé von Hoffman is the writer and director of the film “Ovid and the Art of Love.” On its official website, the film is described as follows: “Based on the life of the famous Roman poet Ovid, this fun, classic story full of adventure, romance, and intrigue gets a modern twist. Set in a mash-up world of contemporary Detroit complete with togas, sneakers, hip-hop, oration, and poetry slams and filmed amidst the Motor City’s classical ruins, graffiti, and burgeoning art scene, ‘Ovid and the Art of Love’ is cinematically beautiful, engaging, and uncannily relevant."

    “Ovid and the Art of Love” was an official selection of the Festival of Cinema NYC, a film festival at which Esmé received the award for Best Director. In addition to her critically-acclaimed work on “Ovid and the Art of Love,” Esmé has written and produced documentary films, written journalistic articles, and worked as a film editor.

    This marks the final episode of Season One of Quintilian. Look for Season Two to premiere at the beginning of the school year. Thanks to all of my amazing guests for making this season such a success!

    Quintilian is supported by a

    Bibliography of Secondary Sources


    Bailey, D. R. Shackleton [Quintilian]. The Lesser Declamations. Loeb Classical Library Cambridge, MA: Harvard UP,

    Reinhardt, Tobias, and Michael Winterbottom, Quintilian Institutio Oratoria Book 2. Oxford: Oxford UP, (Introduction, Latin text, and commentary).

    Walzer, Arthur E. "Moral Philosophy and Rhetoric in the Institutes: Quintilian on Honor and Expediency." Rhetoric Society Quarterly ():

    Katula, Richard A. "Quintilian on the Art of Emotional Appeal." Rhetoric Review ():

    Logie, John. "'I Have No Predecessor to Guide My Steps': Quintilian and Roman Authorship." Rhetoric Review ():

    Walzer, Arthur E. "Quintilian's 'Vir Bonus' and the Stoic Wise Man." Rhetoric Society Quarterly ():

    Holcomb, Chris. "'The Crown of All Our Study': Improvisation in Quintilian's Institutio Oratoria." Rhetoric Society Quarterly ():

    Mendelson, Michael. "Quintilian and the Pedagogy of Argument." Argumentation ():

    Churchill, J. Bradford "Dice and Facie: Quintilian, Institutio Oratoria and " American Journal of Philology ():


    Zamora, Juan C. "Quintilian on the Adaptation of Loanwords." The Bilingual Review/La Revista B

  • quintilian biography of christopher