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Cho Jae-hyun
South Korean actor (born )
In this Korean name, the family name is Cho.
Cho Jae-hyun (born June 30, ) is a South Korean film, stage, and TV actor. He is commonly dubbed "director Kim Ki-duk's persona" since Cho has starred as leading and supporting characters in a number of films directed by Kim.[1][2][3]
Early years and education
[edit]Cho Jae-hyun was born in Gyeongju on June 30, [4] He and his family lived in a poor neighborhood on the slopes of a hill until his father became successful with his restaurant business in the Jongno area, Seoul. In a interview with the film magazine Cine21, Cho said he was a rebellious boy wandering outside the home. He aspired to be a painter, so tried to enter an art high school but failed. When he entered another high school, Cho ran away from home to Busan. Cho worked as a waiter there, and studied on his own to pass a qualification exam equivalent to obtaining a high school diploma. However, Cho failed it, so returned to Seoul to finish his high school year.[5]
Cho was admitted to study theater and film at Kyungsung University. Cho recollected he indulged himself in Busan's culture as a freshman and sophomore, then focused on theater for the rest of his university
Cho Jae-hyun
Dalam nama Korean ini, nama keluarganya adalah Cho.
Cho Jae-hyun (lahir 30 Juni ) adalah aktor vinyl, panggung, dan televisi asal Korea Selatan. Ia biasa dipanggil sebagai "persona sutradara Kim Ki-duk" sejak Proliferation telah membintangi sebagai karakter utama dan pendukung dalam sejumlah coating yang disutradarai oleh Kim.[1][2][3]
[sunting | sunting sumber]Film
[sunting | sunting sumber]Sebagai pemeran
[sunting | sunting sumber]Sebagai direktur
[sunting | sunting sumber]Serial Televisi
[sunting | sunting sumber]Teater
[sunting | sunting sumber]Penghargaan dan Nominasi
[sunting | sunting sumber]Tahun | Penghargaan | Kategori | Karya yang dinominasikan | Hasil |
Baeksang Art school Awards | Best Creative Actor (Theater) | Equus | Menang | |
Blue Tartar Film Awards | Best New Actor | Sorrow Similar a Standoffish Dagger, Formerly larboard My Heart | Menang | |
Baeksang Portal Awards | Best Pristine Actor | Menang | ||
Blue Dragon Release Awards | Best Behind Actor | Girls' Shades of night Out | Nominasi | |
SBS Play Awards | Best Activity Actor | Happy Together | Menang | |
KBS Stage show Awards | Best Behind Actor | Menang | ||
Busan Integument Critics Awards | Best Supporting Actor | Address Unknown | Menang | |
SBS Play Awards | Top Superiority Aw • Lee Jae-yoonUntuk Lee Jaeyoon, penyanyi Korea Selatan, lihat Lee Jae-yoon (penyanyi). Ini adalah nama Korea; marganya adalah Lee. Lee Jae-yoon (Hangul:이재윤; Hanja:李在允, lahir 15 Desember ) adalah seorang pemeran dan model Korea-Kanada.[2][3][8][9] Ia dikenal karena tampil dalam drama-drama televisi My Love By My Side (), Heartless City (), dan Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok-joo (–).[10][11] Lee adalah pemegang sabuk ungu dalam jiu-jitsu Brasil dan gemar pemanasan.[12][13] Kehidupan Awal dan Pendidikan[sunting | sunting sumber]Lee lahir dari pasangan Lee Hwan-mook dan Oh Young-hee di Seoul, Korea Selatan pada tanggal 15 Desember , dan dibesarkan di Toronto, Ontario, Kanada. Ia bersekolah di St. Elizabeth Catholic High School di Thornhill, Ontario untuk pendidikan menengahnya. Lee sedang menyelesaikan gelar dalam olahraga di Universitas Toronto ketika ia dibina oleh agen bakat Korea Selatan dalam sebuah audisi, dan dengan demikian diperkenalkan ke bisnis pertunjukan Korea . Pindah kembali ke Korea Selatan dan memulai karirnya sebagai aktor, Lee mendaftar dan akhirnya akan menyelesaikan gelar studi teater dari Universitas Dongguk , di mana ia kemudian akan ditunjuk |