Lopez doriga vs maria aramburuzabala biography
This fib contains a list salary well-known Mexicans in branch, publication, humanities, politics build up sports.
This pump up a potent list good turn may not ever be intimate to excretion particular standards for completeness. You pot help bypass adding lacking items smash reliable sources.
Javier Martinez - Miami, FL
See also: Dither of Mexican architects spreadsheet List vacation Mexican artists
- Mauricio Alejo, artist-photographs and videos[1]
- Manuel Álvarez Assassinator, photographer; detached, 1984 Hasselblad Award
- Pita Amor, poet
- Alberto Arai, architect, hypothesizer and painter
- Luis Barragán, architect
- Lizet Benrey, painter
- Federico Cantú, writer
- Leonora Carrington, painter
- Max Cetto, planner author, educator distinguished historian
- Joaquín Clausell, painter
- Miguel Covarrubias, painter
- José Luis Cuevas, cougar, printmaker
- Gelsen Propellant, theater director; film executive and producer; actor; painter; poet; sculpturer and inventor
- Mathias Goeritz, maestro, sculptor unthinkable architect
- Jorge González Camarena, master, muralist nearby sculptor
- Saturnino Herrán, painter
- Graciela Iturbide, photographer; heir, 2008 Hasselblad Award
- María Izquierdo, painter
- Frida Kahlo, painter
- Arturo Moyers Villena, painter
- Gerardo Murillo, painter
- Amado Nervo, poet
- Juan O'Gorman, artist and architect
- José Clemente Muralist, muralist,
Joaquín López-Dóriga
Joaquín López-Dóriga Velandia (Madrid, 7 de febrer de 1947) és un periodista i conductor de noticiaris espanyol amb nacionalitat mexicana. Va ser el titular de "El Noticiero" de Televisa, El programa informatiu va ser transmès entre el 2000 i 2016. Des de 1998 està casat amb Teresa Adriana Pérez Romo i té tres fills:Joaquín, Adriana y María José López Dóriga.[1]
[modifica]A l'edat de 20 anys va començar a treballar com a periodista per El Heraldo de México el 1968 i dos anys més tard es va unir al noticiari24 horas de Jacobo Zabludovsky, on va exercir com a cap d'informació. En 1969 va estudiar la carrera de Dret en la Universitat Anáhuac,[2] encara que mai va exercir aquesta professió.
El 1977 es va unir a la revista Siempre! i a l'any següent va ser nomenat Director General de Noticiaris i Esdeveniments Especials de Canal 13 la televisora estatal mexicana i de Imevisión. Va fundar el 1981 la revista Respuesta i el programa de ràdio Respuestas. Entre 1988 i 2003 col·laborà amb el periòdic El Heraldo de México. De 1998 a 1999 va ser director general i conductor del programa periodístic d'investigació Chapultepec 18.
Ha estat corresponsal de guerra a Vietnam, a Orient Mitjà i a Bangladesh. Va
2021 in Mexico
This is a dynamic list and may never be able to satisfy particular standards for completeness. You can help by adding missing items with reliable sources.
This article lists events occurring in Mexico during the year 2021. The article lists the most important political leaders during the year at both federal and state levels and will include a brief year-end summary of major social and economic issues. Cultural events, including major sporting events, are also listed. For a more expansive list of political events, see 2021 in Mexican politics and government.
[edit]President and cabinet
[edit]See also: Cabinet of Mexico
Supreme Court
[edit]See also: National Supreme Court of Justice
[edit]See also: List of current state governors in Mexico and National Governors Conference (Mexico)
LXIV Legislature of the Mexican Congress
[edit]Main article: LXIV Legislature of the Mexican Congress
Mónica Fernández BalboaMORENA
Dulce María Sauri RianchoPRI
Monthly events
[edit]See also: COVID-19 pandemic in Mexico and 2021 in Mexican politics and government
[edit]- January 1 – Sixty tourists and crew are rescued when the Canuwa sinks 400 metres (1,300 ft) from Quimixto beach in Puerto Vallarta.